Healthy Family Eating:
Healthy eating is good for all the members of a family,but a balanced diet is particularly to meet your nutritional requirement for energy and growth.Poor eating and choice of wrong balance of foods can lead to problems in the long term.
The best way to get balanced and healthy diet is to take a variety of foods each day from each of the four main food groups,which contain all the essential nutrients-carbohydrates-protein-fat-vitamins and minerals.
First group includes bread,cereals,pasta,rice and potatoes.Beans and pulses can be eaten as part of this group which is important for complex carbohydrates and also provide energy,fiber,protein,vitamins and minerals.
Fruits and vegetables(including fresh,tinned and frozen),salads and fruit juices from the second group.They provide vitamins particularly vitamin C,minerals and fibers.
Third group incorporates meat,fish,eggs,pulses(peas,beans,canned baked beans and lentils),nuts and soya-bean products.They supply protein,vitamins and minerals.Meat is a good source of iron.Fish includes fresh,frozen and canned fishes.
Dairy products such as milk,yogurt,butter and cheese-the fourth group-provide protein,fat,vitamins(especially A & D) in whole milk products and minerals especially Calcium.
These four groups should be added in our daily diet routine.
Contributed by Dr.Mohammad Rizwan Feroz
Feel free to contact him regarding queries,suggestions and advice related to health and fitness through my blog.
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